Our Vision
Our Mission
To empower communities and build local capacity by providing accessible, enriching, and fun musical experiences that help young people develop integral life skills.
Our Values
- Inclusion: providing opportunities for all people regardless of gender, income, religious affiliation
- Gender parity: ensuring that girls and women are offered the same educational opportunities as boys and men, and that they are supported as they challenge the status quo.
- Individual growth: providing a space where each student can set and work toward their own goals, whether they be personal or musical.
Bridging Worlds Through Music: Introduction
Bridging Worlds Through Music takes a holistic approach to community development through music. We offer group music programs for youth to support the development of important life skills. These programs provide a unique opportunity for our students to come together as a community, learn new skills, and explore their creativity. Some of our former students have even found employment in music.
We invest in the communities we work in, employing local teachers to operate our programs. We also offer accessible teacher training for local educators and community leaders so that they may spread the joy of music in their communities and beyond. Our programs are human-focused, and guided by inclusion and gender parity.
Bridging Worlds Through Music operates as an affiliate community of the Canada Africa Partnership (CAP Network).
Charitable Registration Number 88898 7500 RR0001